We inspire Londoners to embrace a more sustainable and circular lifestyle, saving the world one recycled bottle, one second-hand dress, one borrowed drill at a time. Our award-winning campaigns are informed by deep insights and aim to educate, engage and empower citizens and communities to waste less and reuse, repair, share and recycle more.
Inspiring campaigns built on deep insight
Engaging with Londoners
Our flagship campaign is London Recycles, run on behalf of the Mayor of London. It is a regional campaign designed to inform and encourage Londoners to recycle the right things, in the right place, no matter where they are in the capital. In recent years the campaign has expanded to include messages on waste prevention, reuse and repair initiatives – including a yearly Repair Week activation that encourages Londoners to develop their own repair skills whilst spotlighting local repair businesses throughout the city.
All campaign assets from the past three years – including the ‘One bin is rubbish’ campaign, plastics messaging and resources to promote repair services – can be found below or on our resources page.
Our specialists also provide London’s boroughs with communications support and expertise, providing templates and messaging support to those changing their service or aiming to boost food waste recycling. We run workshops on topics including effective social media advertising, service change communications and more.
If you’re looking for help with commercial or office recycling, we have a set of free, easy-to-use communications resources available on the London Recycles website.
London is a global hub for fashion design, and Londoners buy fashion voraciously – and then throw away around 227,000 tonnes of it in the capital every year. Our Love Not Landfill campaign talks directly to 16-24 year olds to encourage them to change the way they buy, use and dispose of clothes.
In an attempt to tackle the dizzying scale of clothing consumption and its growth over the past 15 years, Love Not Landfill campaigns on social media and using inspiring events – such as our charity pop-up shop and clothes swaps in some of London’s liveliest retail neighbourhoods – to build young people’s passion for second-hand fashion, clothes sharing, reselling and swapping. It also promotes reuse and recycling through its fleet of iconic clothes banks which are eye-catchingly designed by a range of artists in London including Bambi and This Ain’t Rock’n’Roll.
Get in touch if you’d like to partner with us on a high impact event – we love collaborations!
Over £2.5bn-worth of food gets thrown away in London every year – and much of that is from homes across the capital. We work with London’s boroughs to help increase the amount of unavoidable food waste that gets recycled; and we campaign to stop food becoming waste in the first place.
Our Eat like a Londoner campaign engages Londoners and empowers them to reduce the carbon impact of their household food consumption by reducing food waste and shifting to more plant-based diets. The campaign employs behavioural nudges to boost awareness of the food-climate relationship, motivate citizens to reduce household food waste and eat more sustainably, and demonstrate cost and climate impact reductions through changed food behaviours at home. The Eat like a Londoner website features loads of resource to help people and partners save money, eat better and help the planet.
The EU-funded FoodWave project enabled us to engage even more deeply with young Londoners, empowering them to take action on climate change. The goal was to create a generation of food activists who will influence those around them to change how they shop, store, cook and eat food.
Our participation in TRiFOCAL, a 3-year project with WRAP and Groundwork London to tackle sustainable diets, food waste prevention and recycling, finished in 2020 – but a huge number of tried and tested communications resources are still available for partners to use. The ‘Small Change, Big Difference’ campaign ran in London for two years, resulting in an impressive 9% reduction in food waste in the six priority boroughs that were most actively involved.
As well as running communications campaigns designed using behavioural frameworks and principles, we also work on a range of behaviourally-led projects and pilots. We always begin with insights – and wherever possible, ethnographic research. We then take findings from our research to stakeholder groups to work up options for behavioural interventions. These must always be replicable and scalable so that we can share learnings and impact far beyond the initial project.
Our campaign work is also insights-led at all times, and we work with research specialists and our target audience groups to learn from, and respond to, real world views and behaviours. Contact us to find out more about how we can make it normal for customers, residents and stakeholders to recycle more, waste less and find better ways of buying, using and disposing of stuff.
We run regular events and campaign weeks on a variety of topics – including Recycle Week, Repair Week and our Love Not Landfill pop-up shop and awards. If you’d like to be a part of it, contact us to find out about opportunities, and sign up to our newsletter to stay updated on activities and events.