Local authorities are a critical partner in everything we do here at ReLondon. As a partnership of the Mayor and London’s boroughs, we support all 32 of the capital’s boroughs and the City of London to develop waste reduction and recycling plans; to explore, test and roll out initiatives designed to reduce the city’s waste footprint; to reinvigorate the recycling of food, plastics, textiles and more; and embed circular practices and innovation to improve how we live and work.
That deep, practical knowledge stands us in good stead when we work with local authorities in other parts of the UK too. We champion smart, cost efficient initiatives that deliver transformational change at a local and city-wide level – providing research, insights, practical advice, toolkits and campaigns, available to all and adaptable for bespoke solutions.
If you’d like to find out how we can help you waste less and reuse, repair, share and recycle more, get in touch by emailing hello@relondon.gov.uk