ReLondon was established under the Greater London Authority Act 2007
as the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB).
The Act sets out our objectives in the following way:
To promote and encourage in Greater London:
- the production of less waste
- an increase in the proportion of waste that is reused or recycled
- the use of methods of collection, treatment and disposal of waste that are more beneficial to the environment
Furthermore, in our work to deliver on these objectives, it is our statutory duty to act in accordance with the London Environment Strategy and the London Plan, with respect to the provisions, guidance and targets within these documents for municipal waste management.
Corporate governance framework
The operation of the Board and its committees is governed by its Standing Orders which incorporate the relevant sections of the GLA Act 1999 (as amended by the GLA Act 2007) and the London Waste and Recycling Board Order 2008.
The current committee structure of the Board (including committee terms of reference), the Scheme of Delegated Authority and the Board’s Risk Management Strategy are also attached below.
Members of the Board are entitled to reclaim expenses incurred in carrying out their role as Board Members. A summary of expenses claimed is available on request.
Hospitality register
Board and Committee Members are required to register any gifts or hospitality received over a value of £50 in relation to their work for ReLondon. The current register is available on request. Please contact Jo Rogers
Register of members interests
Members of the Board are required to submit a declaration of interests. Full details of the requirement can be seen in appendix SO3 of the Standing Orders.
The Standing Orders and the individual declarations are available on request. Please contact Jo Rogers