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Toolkit – Making recycling work for people in flats: cost/benefit analysis tool

As part of the ‘Making recycling work for people in flats’ research projects,  improvements to recycling were rolled out to estates in six London boroughs. This intuitive online cost/benefit analysis tool has been developed by ReLondon to help London boroughs and other stakeholders understand the additional costs and benefits of implementing the Flats Recycling Package improvements. Following the Flats 2.0 project, the calculator has been updated in 2023 to include the costs and benefits of introducing food waste services to flats.

You will need to request access to the online cost/benefit analysis tool by following the link below. Once your request has been approved, a link to the tool along with your log-in details will be e-mailed to you directly.

The cost/benefit analysis tool makes some underlying assumptions collated from a range of robust data sources. You can download further details on those assumptions below.

About the Making recycling work for people in flats research project

This two-year research project was delivered by ReLondon in partnership with housing association Peabody and six inner London boroughs. 

The aim was to better understand the barriers to recycling for people who live in purpose-built flats and identify practical measures that could be taken by housing providers, building managers and service providers to remove those barriers. The desired outcome was to improve the quantity and quality of recycling collected from purpose-built flats across the capital.

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