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Toolkit – Commercial food waste recycling services

Under the Government’s ‘Simpler Recycling’ policy, all businesses will be required to separate dry recyclables and food waste for collection. This aims to drive up commercial recycling rates and increase consistency in what we can recycle at home, work and leisure. 

These changes will see an increased demand for commercial recycling services, particularly food waste collections, presenting a considerable opportunity for local authorities to grow their market share and income through introducing a (or expanding an existing) commercial food waste recycling service.

In summer 2021, ReLondon and the Greater London Authority facilitated a series of workshops on commercial food waste recycling. Commercial waste officers from local authorities in London and beyond shared their experiences in service planning, operations, marketing and business engagement.

This toolkit brings together the key learning points from those workshops, which act as a helpful guide for other local authorities looking to establish a new food waste recycling service or expand an existing one.

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