Pillar 2: Local authorities

Equipping local authorities
to embed circular practices

Although we work across a wide range of stakeholders and audiences, local authority support sits at the very heart of our work. ReLondon helps boroughs and waste disposal authorities waste less and recycle more through research, pilots, toolkits and advisory support.

Over the 2022-23 financial year we worked with London’s local authorities, including all 33 boroughs, four waste disposal authorities, the Greater London Authority and London Councils. We also supported 36 local authorities outside of London through webinars and training – with 527 attendees taking part in initiatives including the UK Circular Cities and Regions Network, our Training Academy and consultancy work.

London’s boroughs received 130 dedicated hours of ReLondon support as part of the review of their Waste Reduction and Recycling Plans, and 28 of them also benefited from ReLondon expertise and help across at least three different project streams during the year.

One of the most significant of these was the Flats 2.0 project, examining ways of improving recycling from flats. Out of this came a final report with results and recommendations, a comprehensive toolkit for councils and other housing providers to use to increase recycling from their estates and blocks of flats, and a cost-benefit calculator – resources which between them achieved over 2,800 views and downloads from the ReLondon website.

The year in numbers

events and training delivered to local authorities to enhance knowledge and provide local authority officers with tools to implement a circular economy
92 %
of responding boroughs to our survey had participated in at least one of our projects or accessed at least one of our resources
83 %
of respondents who engaged with our work reported it enhanced their knowledge and competencies, increasing their internal capacity to take actions
regional and local policymakers engaged outside London

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