Quick guide: How to become a circular fashion brand
The fashion industry is one of the main contributors to the climate crisis with people buying more and more clothes with no incentive to repair and keep them in use.
Designing clothing using circular economy principles will not only improve your environmental impact, it can also help you stand out and make wiser use of your resources and spend – making your brand a more viable and resilient business.
Solutions to help your business reduce costs and cut carbon emissions already exist – with a couple listed in this guide!

Ready to take action?
London’s fashion footprint: An analysis of material flows, consumption-based emissions, and levers for climate action
If you want to continue your learning, take a look at our report ‘London’s fashion footprint‘, to better understand the dynamics at play in London’s fashion sector, London’s fashion footprint maps material flows across the city’s fashion supply chain, identifying where carbon hotspots occur and how fashion makes a significant contribution to the city’s consumption-based emissions associated with the stuff that we use.
The report also shows how cities and their residents can act to make a difference, highlighting scenarios and London-specific interventions which can help to keep global temperature rises within 1.5°C of pre-industrial levels.